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Trashed 12 years 2 weeks ago onto platforms

A piece of DesignStinking wins toilet challenge

Source: http://www.caltech.edu/article/423

This one really stinks in all possible ways. It may be second only to the one laptop per child initiative.
I'm talking about the winner of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's contest for a low cost solution to safely poop in the third world.
Why it stinks? Judge yourself.
This thing already ate up $400k in grant money plus the additional $100k it got from the prize. And it's still a prototype. It is built out of solar panels, batteries and a whole bunch of other ready available low cost third world stuff. It also requires salt to function and a phd to understand what went wrong if it stops working.
Enough? Could be, if we didn't have to consider this.
And to the trash it goes.

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A piece of DesignStinking wins toilet challenge
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