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Makers With Agendas by Julien De Smedt and William Ravn

Source: http://www.dezeen.com/2013/09/05/makers-with-agendas-by-julien-de-smedt-and-...

"Makers With Agendas, a new design brand with products ranging from solutions to natural disasters and humanitarian crises to coat hooks and tea sets." I guess that says it all.

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Indoor farms are remaking the produce market — at a cost to the planetkeiji takeuchi explores walking sticks and canes at milan triennaleLouis Vuitton hires free-range profiles to support their latest pile of clothing.Makers With Agendas by Julien De Smedt and William Ravn
The Secret Lab Where Nike Invented the Power-Lacing Shoe of Our Dreams | WIRED
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Shower of the Future | by ORBITAL SYSTEMS
Photo: American Apparel Mannequins Now Sporting Full Bush: Gothamist
A piece of DesignStinking wins toilet challenge
Mascot Fido Dido plays a traditional dhak drum. He stands next to a bottle of 7Up, which has been designed with festive Indian motifs. The image if clouded in a puff of red powder.
Sustainable Ink Packaging – Nacar
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Human Powered Generators For Sale to Generate Your Own Electricity
interview with design-duo el ultimo grito
Plasticbottlecutter | Eco
Sustainable Ink Packaging – Nacar
Emeco settles dispute with Restoration Hardware over Navy Chair copy
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